Publication Opportunities
All selected full papers will be submitted for consideration to:

Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE)
(SCOPUS, ERA, MyCite, DOAJ, UDL Edge, EuroPub ACI, DRJI, OCLC WorldCat, & ADL)

Malaysian Journal of ELT Research ( MAJER)
(WOS & MyCite)

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS)
( ERA, Google Scholar, Crossref, RePEC,IDEAS, Econ Papers, Dimensions, ScienceGate, Semantic Scholar, PhilPapers &

International Journal of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics (IJMAL)
( MyJurnal Malaysian Citation Centre (MCC))

Asian Journal of Assessment in Teaching and Learning ( AJATeL)
(MyCite & Google Scholar)

Journal of Creative Practices in Language Learning and Teaching ( CPLT)
(MyCite, MyJurnal & Google Scholar)​

The English Teacher Journal
(MyJurnal Malaysian Citation Centre (MCC) & ASEAN Citation Index)

Gading Journal for Social Sciences (SPECIAL ISSUES)
(MyCite & Google Scholar)
International Journals

International Journal Theory and Application in Elementary and Secondary Education (IJTAESE)

Eastern Journal of Languages, Linguistics and Literatures (EJLLL)
(Google Scholar & Crossref, Publons, Academica,SSRN, Leiden University, University of Arizona Libraries, OUCI, BASE, Harvard Library)
Final publication is subject to the respective journal's review process and
some journals publication fees may apply.
Come and join us!